Some of our crew went to the FitEx Conference last month and got to tune into some incredible speakers and experts in the Health and Fitness Industry. We all crushed on the hilarious, intelligent and charming Irishman, Paul Taylor.
A former British Royal Navy Aircrew Officer, Neuroscientist, Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist who is currently completing a PhD in Applied Psychology. The biggest nugget was that movement is medicine. We are the most overweight, depressed, overmedicated, and addicted generation with 75% of people live with chronic disease, 40% with multiple chronic diseases. Chronic disease doesn’t happen overnight, it takes years, and everyday you get to choose how you want to honour and nourish your health.
We are wired to be hunter gatherers, not keyboard warriors, every 30min of sitting changes our gene expression e.g. our body’s ability to process fat slows down! The first way to start moving towards where we want to be is simple, and backed by research, move that butt! Exercise is a good stressor and improves our ability to deal with stress. A great question to ask yourself is “How do I feel when I exercise?" e.g. energy levels, sleep, stress, relationship to self and others. Your emotional chemistry impacts everyone you interact with, which impacts their brain chemistry.
Whatever you pay attention to grows. 91% of what we worry about doesn’t come true, and 30% of that works out better than we thought. Practicing acceptance for things as they are, then taking action on what can be done now is how we can move challenges, as the one certainty we have in life is, uncertainty. Our hardwired view of change is fear. The FUN part is that novelty and change are what stimulates our brain, keeping the brain young and healthy from the new connections.
- Whole real food, the less processed the more nutrients we feed our bodies, aim for 40 different foods/week all colours of the rainbow Intermittent fasting, find your 8-10 hour eating window that suits you
- Try to do something everyday. Biggest contributor to people's physical activity is # steps, 8-10K/day <60yrs, 6-8K >60yrs. Every 30min of sitting “movement snacks”: 30sec of vigorous activity (sprinting on spot), glass of water, 1-2min breathwork (Box breathing, 4sec inhale, 4sec hold, 4sec exhale, 4sec hold for 3 rounds, all through the nose)
- Cold showers for 30sec reduces inflammation, reduction in sickness 29%, improves mood, cognition 20min in 40deg bath for heat stress if you don’t have a sauna for increased mood, learning, memory, insulin sensitivity, recovery
- Physical activity: 150- 300min/week of moderate or 75-150min/week of vigorous, or combination of both
- Resistance Training: Gain and preserve muscle as 3-8% per decade we lose muscle, 3x structured programme/week designed by a professional for <60yrs, add balance work for >60yrs As you get older, your protein requirements increase1.6- 2.6g/kg of weight, 30-35g protein per meal to trigger muscle anabolism
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness: massive benefit by moving needle to lowest to below average, attainable in 6 months 2x steady state 30min sessions/week <60 years, 20min for >60 years. 2x interval sessions (if cleared by Doctor)
- Consistent wake and bedtime, undisturbed sleep Control the Controlables: caffeine, alcohol, AM/PM sunlight, light, noise, temperature, exercise, routine, mental stillness (mindfulness), sanctuary (your home or space)
- Embrace challenges and new experiences
- Connect with whanau and friends
The way you treat your body NOW is preventative medicine for the future!